Námskeið: Gagnagreining og túlkun

Námskeiðslýsing á ensku:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic requirements and tools for analysing quantitative and qualitative survey research. This course builds on real life examples from the field of Coastal Studies and students conduct a small research project, which includes data analysis and interpretation of the results. During the qualitative segment of the course, a broad range of statistical methods using the R environment are covered, including descriptive statistics, common parametric and nonparametric statistical tests, regression analysis and generalized linear models. During the qualitative segment of the course, the analysis of interviews and texts is covered, introducing the software MAXQDA. Fundamental concepts of research, such as validity and reliability, and the importance of data visualization (tables and figures) are discussed. Students conduct a small research project, which includes data analysis and interpretation of the results.

Frekari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér: https://www.uw.is/is/meistaranam/resources/namskeidislysingar/namskeidislysing-2024-2025/data-analysis-and-interpretation-2

Öll meistaranámskeið sem kennd eru við Háskólasetur eru opin gestanemum, skiptinemum og fólki úr atvinnulífinu og eru hluti af tveimur alþjóðlegum þverfaglegum meistaranámsleiðum, haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun, og sjávarbyggðarfræði.