Starfsfólk, stundakennarar og nemendur Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða fá reglulega birtar rannsóknargreinar á virtum miðlum rannsóknar- og fræðasamfélagsins. Hér fyrir neðan má sjá lista yfir ritrýndar greinar sem þau hafa átt aðild að, sem birst hafa á síðustu misserum.


Youth and newcomers in Icelandic fisheries: opportunities and obstacles
Lebedef, E.A., Chambers, C. Youth and newcomers in Icelandic fisheries: opportunities and obstacles. Maritime Studies 22, 34 (2023).

Arctic Fisheries and Aquaculture.
Chambers, C. Henke, T., Cook, D., Barr, B., Costa-Pierce, B., Einarsson, N., Kaiser, B., Knutsson, Ö., Kokrosch., M., & Sutton, T. (2021) Arctic Fisheries and Aquaculture. In Renewable Economies in the Arctic: A State of Knowledge. DOI:

Visitors' values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland
Chauvat, C.M., Aquino, J. & Granquist, S.M., (2021) Visitors’ values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1995395.

Understanding barriers, access, and management of marine mixedstock fisheries in an era of reconciliation: Indigenous-led salmon monitoring in British Columbia.
Steel, J.R., Atlas, W.I., Ban, N.C., Wilson, K., Wilson, J., Housty, W.G., & Moore, JW. (2021) Understanding barriers, access, and management of marine mixedstock fisheries in an era of reconciliation: Indigenous-led salmon monitoring in British Columbia. FACETS 6: 592–613. DOI:

Microplastic ingestion by fish: Body size, condition factor and gut fullness are not related to the amount of plastics consumed.Microplastic ingestion by fish: Body size, condition factor and gut fullness are not related to the amount of plastics consumed.
de Vries, A.N., Govoni, D., Árnason, S.H., & Carlsson, P. (2020). Microplastic ingestion by fish: Body size, condition factor and gut fullness are not related to the amount of plastics consumed. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 151.

Sea ice variability and maritime activity around Svalbard in the period 2012–2019.
Stocker, A.N., Renner, A.H.H. & Knol-Kauffman, M. Sea ice variability and maritime activity around Svalbard in the period 2012–2019. (2020) Sci Rep 10, 17043. DOI:

Impacts of shellfish reef management on the provision of ecosystem services resulting from climate change in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
Cobacho, S.P., Wanke, S., Konstantinou, Z., & El Serafy, G. (2020) Impacts of shellfish reef management on the provision of ecosystem services resulting from climate change in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Marine Policy 119, 104058 DOI:

Local Perspectives on Climate Change, Its Impact and Adaptation: A Case Study from the Westfjords Region of Iceland.
Bannan D, Ólafsdóttir R, Hennig BD. Local Perspectives on Climate Change, Its Impact and Adaptation: A Case Study from the Westfjords Region of Iceland. Climate. 2022; 10(11):169.