Course: Pollution in the Coastal Arctic

The course introduces students to chemistry related to contamination in the coastal zone and seas. Chemical interactions in the interface of the sea, land, biota and air are explained along with the transport of pollutants. The state of the coastal zones in the world are discussed, as well as regional, national and international monitoring practices and programmes. Designing monitoring programmes and pollution studies are also presented and discussed. The course provides insight into our own lifestyle and the effects we have on the environment. It mostly focuses on environmental fate and effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals on living organisms, but emerging contaminants and their impact and occurrence in the Arctic are also discussed. A brief introduction to environmental chemistry, study design and ecotoxicology is also part of the course.

More information can be found here 

All master's courses taught at UW are open to guest students, exchange students, and people from the world of work. The courses are part of our two international multidisciplinary master's programs, Coastal and Marine Management and Coastal Communities and Regional Development. The courses are modular, taught in English, hands-on and many of them include field trips and company visits. Check out the UW course catalogue to find out more.