Fill out the form below to apply for one of UW's Icelandic courses, we will get back to you within two weeks. If you have any problems, contact us or call the University Centre of the Westfjords. 

Learning Material

The course materials are provided by the teachers in form of photocopies and other materials. The material is included in the course fee and will be available at the University Centre of the Westfjords on arrival. You might want to bring your computer or tablet and your own dictionary.

After You Finish

All participants receive in the end of the course a confirmation of participation. However, some of the participants need a graded certificate. For that reason, we have developed a test in four competencies: Reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension and communication.

Exam Fee

Students that want to take an exam need to sign up for it in advance and pay a fee of 7.500 ISK. The test will be offered on the last day of teaching.

Persónuupplýsingar/Personal data
Er nemandi við:

Skráðir nemendur við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða eða nemendur við íslenska háskóla fá 25% afslátt af námskeiðsgjaldi. // Registered students at UW or at Icelandic universities get a 25% discount on Icelandic courses.
Tungumálakunnátta/Language skills
Applicants for B1/B2, please write in Icelandic